Happy New Year Wishes for You!

By now I’m sure most of you have already started on your New Year’s resolutions.  Often those resolutions and goals go by the wayside.  I’m here to help.

If you’ve followed in the footsteps of what others have encouraged you to do, or you’ve made choices based more on what you think you should do, NOW is the time to really do things your way and own your power.

I’ve invited a a special  guest to speak to you in the upcoming seminar, “Best of You in 2016.”

Cindy Herb is a master numerologist, having studied numerology for over 30 years.  She uses numerology as a tool to help others understand their unique talents, opportunities and challenges that have been with them since birth.

Here’s what you’ll take away with from this event:

  • How to determine your Life Path number and the life paths of others.
  • Learn each paths’ core issues, innate talents and special needs as it relates to career, relationships and health.
  • Get insights to help you understand your past, clarify your present, and empower your future.

I’ll also be sharing with you insights into your Chinese Astrology sign and element, as the Chinese New Year starts Feb. 8th.

The seminar will be Sunday afternoon, Jan. 31st from 2pm – 3:30pm.

Come join us and learn how to make the most of 2016.  Just RSVP at kay@lifelongpilates.com or text to 817-683-9045.  Feel free to invite a friend!

My Wishes for You in 2016

To be empowered.

To enjoy life.

To stay grateful for all your blessings.

To realize the magnificence of your being.

To your good health,



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