find strength, balance and energy renewal…
Call: (817) 683-9045
Balance Body & Mind
Pilates for Life Studio – Colleyville, Texas specializes in individualized fitness programs, tailored to your needs…
Movement For A Healthy Life!
We feature STOTT PILATES® and Osteoporosis Prevention.
Release Your Blocks and Self Sabotage.
Let Theta Healing clear away your fears and old programming. Become happier and healthier!
Nutrition/Lifestyle Coaching
When it comes to maintaining lean muscle, eating the right diet is even more critical than exercise.
Fitness Programs
Essential Level Pilates
Intermediate Level Pilates
Advanced Level Pilates
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
Join Us.
Transform your life today with the best full-body fitness experience!
Life Long Pilates is where you can find balance, harmony and energy renewal amidst the hectic bustle of everyday pressures and deadlines.

Featured Programs
Whether you're a newcomer to Pilates or a veteran, LIfelong Pilates has the right program for you.
Essential Level Class
For anyone new to Pilates, this class teaches the fundamentals: neutral spine, connecting to deep core muscles, ribcage placement, shoulder...
ZENGA is “mindful movement” which helps to release tension and create more resilience and fluidity in the body.
Intermediate Level Class
For those who have a good foundation of Pilates, this class focuses on enhanced coordination and balance along with more...
Advanced Level Class
or veteran Pilates clients who want to take their practice to the next level.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
IF you’ve noticed you have less energy, tire more easily with exercise, or struggle to burn fat, take heart. The answer is in your genes.
Class Time Table:
“I have been a student of Kay’s for many years and have benefited greatly from her extensive education in weight training, nutrition, and Pilates. Her Pilates instruction in particular, with it’s emphasis on correct technique to strengthen core muscles and improve posture, flexibility, and balance, has been of enormous benefit to me. Through her I became aware that I have a slight scoliosis, and Pilates has helped me ‘correct’ the problem by balancing the muscles in my back, strengthening some while lengthening others. She focuses entirely on me (and her other students) during a session and simply will not allow improper movement that would lessen the effect of an exercise, or worse, cause injury. I feel safe in her hands! I would recommend Kay and Pilates without reservation.””
“I started going to Kay Smith’s Studio approximately a year and a half ago. In December, 2004, in addition to Pilates once a week, Kay added the Power Plate to my workout. I have been on the Power Plate twice a week for the past nine and a half months. Last week I had my annual bone scan. According to my ‘T’ scores, I remained the same in my femoral neck and increased the density in my lumbar section by 1.5%. This is remarkable! The Radiographer’s comment to me was ‘whatever you’re doing keep it up!’ As an additional bonus, I had a frozen shoulder two years ago. When it resurfaced recently, Kay implemented some specific positions on the Power Plate. My shoulder is great now. The Power Plate helps me keep my shoulder mobile and will continue to be part of my regiment to help ward off future weaknesses in this area. Following a fall as a teenager I have experienced chronic back pain most of my adult life. Kay has worked with my specific back pain.
Balance.Movement.Look Good
Studio H0urs:
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm