Meet The
Kay is fully certified through the Physical Mind Institute of New York, and Stott Pilates International.

Kay is fully certified through the Physical Mind Institute of New York, and Stott Pilates International.
“Health is more important now than ever before. Everyone needs to do their best to take responsibility for their health. I believe Pilates is one of the best ways to achieve that. You can do Pilates for life.
I was always called a health nut before pilates and organic eating became popular. After raising my family, I decided to follow my passion and became a personal trainer certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. I was also certified as a Johnny G Spinning instructor.
An old knee injury from tennis required ACL reconstructive surgery and months of healing. That’s when I discovered and fell in love with Pilates. I earned 2 full certifications; one with the Physicalmind Institute of New York, and the other with Stott International based out of Toronto, Canada. I opened the first Pilates studio in my area.
My specialty became helping with injuries and special populations. I’m certified in Zenga, a fascia release technique offered by Stott. I’m also certified in Osteo-Pilates to help those with osteoporosis.
I kept acquiring more knowledge about the body and earned my certification as a “Metabolic Nutrition” counselor. It’s all about tailoring an eating program based on your unique body type.
I believe life is meant to be fun and joyful. Monday classes are sometimes referred to as “Make it up Monday” as I introduce clients to new movements. Wednesday classes are referred to as “Wacky Wednesday.”
They say laughing is the equivalent of “internal jogging.” It lowers blood pressure, stress and boosts the immune system much like moderate exercise.
My goal is to have you feeling better than you did when you came in.”

Featured Programs
Whether you're a newcomer to Pilates or a veteran, LIfelong Pilates has the right program for you.
Essential Level Class
For anyone new to Pilates, this class teaches the fundamentals: neutral spine, connecting to deep core muscles, ribcage placement, shoulder...
ZENGA is “mindful movement” which helps to release tension and create more resilience and fluidity in the body.
Intermediate Level Class
For those who have a good foundation of Pilates, this class focuses on enhanced coordination and balance along with more...
Advanced Level Class
or veteran Pilates clients who want to take their practice to the next level.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
IF you’ve noticed you have less energy, tire more easily with exercise, or struggle to burn fat, take heart. The answer is in your genes.
Balance.Movement.Look Good
Studio H0urs:
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm