The classic piece of Pilates equipment. Used for a complete and total body workout and stretching. Experience the precision and superior performance of our STOTT PILATES® Professional Reformers.

Ladder barrel, arc barrels, and step barrels. Ideal for lengthening the spine and correcting an excessive forward curve in the upper spine. Excellent for developing core strength at any level.PILATES® Professional Reformers.

Stability Chair
Transfers posture awareness to a seated position. Gives an intense workout for legs, abdominal and upper body. Also great for stretching.

The trapeze table. Used for developing a deeper level of awareness as well as strengthening and stretching exercises.

Pilates Mat For Athletes
For sports enthusiasts wanting to improve their stamina and strengthen their core.
This class is a total body workout that zeroes in on abdominals, lengthens your spine and tones arms and legs!

Power Plate
The Power Plate started life as a NASA device, used for astronauts who lose bone density while on space missions. More recently, the fitness industry has taken notice of it for its anti-aging benefits.
Unlike virtually any other fitness product, the Power Plate provides nonimpact exercise that increases muscle tone, flexibility, and bone density. In the D/FW area, only Pilates for Life Studio and the Dallas Mavericks use this high tech form of exercise.

Featured Programs
Whether you're a newcomer to Pilates or a veteran, LIfelong Pilates has the right program for you.
Essential Level Class
For anyone new to Pilates, this class teaches the fundamentals: neutral spine, connecting to deep core muscles, ribcage placement, shoulder...
ZENGA is “mindful movement” which helps to release tension and create more resilience and fluidity in the body.
Intermediate Level Class
For those who have a good foundation of Pilates, this class focuses on enhanced coordination and balance along with more...
Advanced Level Class
or veteran Pilates clients who want to take their practice to the next level.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
IF you’ve noticed you have less energy, tire more easily with exercise, or struggle to burn fat, take heart. The answer is in your genes.
Balance.Movement.Look Good
Studio H0urs:
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm